Praying for two wounded Los Angeles County (CA) Sheriff’s Deputies

June 23, 2016
11:45 PM pst

Our Gracious Father, We come in deep earnest before Your Throne of Grace to lift up two wounded of Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies.  As the news reports their conditions are unknown as both deputies have been taken to a hospital, may Your mercies settle upon their hearts and minds and spare their lives.  May You grant all of the medical personnel wisdom and insight to properly diagnose and treat their injuries and grant them a full recovery.  May Your Presence be made supernaturally known to these wounded deputies and their colleagues.  And Lord, as of right now, the news reports seem to indicate there is a massive search underway.  We therefore we ask for Your intervening grace and mercies to settle upon the suspect and law enforcement personnel at that scene.  May Your Holy Spirit speak to the heart of this suspect and cause him to peacefully surrender without incident.  Grant the investigators supernatural wisdom, discernment and protection as this search continues.  May Your angels encamp around that scene and be next to every law enforcement officer to protect them from all harm and danger.  And if the suspect may attempt to harm any other law enforcement officers or citizens, may You cause this suspects actions to be thwarted.  May you cause his weapons to malfunction.  May Your hand be upon his mind and spirit and cause him to be confused.  May Your grace, mercies, peace and comfort touch the men and women of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to include all of the family members who are concerned about their loved ones still at the scene.  And as the families of these wounded deputies are enroute to the hospital, may Your Presence go with them and strengthen them.   And Lord, we know that when this situation comes to a successful close, it is You who will receive all the Glory, Honor and Praise for Your word says You are able to do Exceeding Abundant beyond all that we ask.  May Your Everlasting Arms be mighty for Your Peacemakers.  Lastly Lord, may many officers, family members and friends be drawn ever so close to Your side.  May You reveal to many how much You truly love them.  May Your name be glorified.  This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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