Praying for a wounded Meridian (MS) Police Officer


Praying for a wounded Meridian (MS) Police Officer

February 3, 2024
7:45 AM pst

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Our God of Mercy, we, again, come before your Throne of Grace as we lift up a Meridian Police Officer who was wounded in the line of duty. As his wound does not appear to be life-threatening, we are so thankful to you Lord, for sparing his life and seek Your Amazing Grace to touch his heart, mind, body and soul. O’ Lord, as Your word says that You are close to those who call upon Your name, we pray for this wounded officer and ask for Your grace, peace, mercy, presence and comfort to settle upon him as he faced this sudden deadly encounter. May You continue to grant the doctor’s wisdom to swiftly and effectively identify his injuries and then treat and restore him to complete fullness. May your mercy extend to all of the other Meridian officers and sustain them with Your grace in which another officer had to fire his weapon. May your peace and comfort also settle upon the family of this wounded officer who are very likely at this side. May they know Your Peace that passes all understanding as they traverse through this dark valley. May your grace, mercy and peace also settle upon the family of the suspect who was also wounded. May Your peace reign throughout the Meridian Police Department and community. May Your arms of love surround the officers and citizens and may You fill the investigators with wisdom and insight to gather all of the facts surrounding this attack on one of your Peacemakers. May Your grace and Your Presence be affirmed in the heart of every Meridian law enforcement officer that the job they do has been established by You. Lastly Lord, we thank You that You are always there for Your children who know You as their Rock, Shield, Strength and Stronghold. And if there are any officers at this incident struggling with an emptiness in their heart, may Your Holy Spirit touch their hearts and minds and draw them to Your Son in whom there may know and experience eternal life. May Your name be eternally glorified, this we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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